
New Provider / Better Performance

Research this carefully, or you may be “jumping out of the pan and into the fire”. Consider to:

  • Seek feedback from neighbours, friends and family on the technology or provider they use
  • Use the to see what providers offer for your address
  • See  Broadband Types  and carefully consider your needs (reliability, cost, coverage) based on the devices and applications you NEED to use, and where you need to use them.

Coverage / Reach

On farm/property coverage is increasingly vital for communication, health & safety and compliance monitoring.  If you are:

  • On the edge of cell phone coverage?  Consider purchasing a cellular signal booster.  However, it is very important you read this first, to avoid other problems arising.
  • Not in cell coverage – watch this space for more information!

Connection Problems

There are many things that could impact this, that may not mean your provider or their network technology is at fault. These are:

  • The capability or setup of your modem – ask for technical assistance from someone with IT skills, whether that be a neighbour, friend or IT provider, or post a question on Our Forum
  • Distance from your device to the router – try moving closer to the router, or if not possible, run a network cable. 
  • Distance from your device to the nearest connection point (i.e. cell phone tower) – Purchase a cellular signal booster.  However, it is very important you read this first, to avoid other problems arising. 
  • Distance from your home/business to the nearest connectivity hub (cabinet, over copper cable).   The limit of copper cable (depending on the condition of the cable) is:
  • for ADSL service is up to 10kms
  • for VDSL services is about 1Km.
  • If you are further away than above you may need another solution for your broadband

ADSL/VDSL line test

It should be noted that this is usually just between your modem and the nearby roadside cabinet (or exchange). Only a small part of your “connection” is actually tested.

The “line test” won’t detect any issues if the issue is caused by wider network issues.

The help desk person may describe the test as being between your modem and the “exchange”.  The “exchange”can be a small roadside cabinet a couple of 100m or more from your property.  The connection between the roadside cabinet and an actual exchange may not be tested.