It can pay to do a comparison of providers when looking into cellular fixed wireless. It also pays to make sure you are on the right plan.
As an example lets consider the average NZ household. The Commerce Commission tells us that in 2020 the average fixed broadband usage was 284 GB per month.
The rural fixed wireless cost (per month as at May 2021) for the big three are graphed above.
If you happen to be non-average then the results may be different. Below are some graphs for high, average and low users. Spark and Vodafone both have high and low use plans. Both types of plans are shown.
If you go over the monthly quota then you are charged for the additional data. For example 2Degrees charges $15 per 20GB for data above 170GB.
We can see that it could be very expensive to be on the wrong plan.
There are ways to reduce usage. For example reducing the picture quality on netflix or using an adblocker. See here for more ideas.

The plans are always changing, so these prices may be obsolete by the time you read this. There may be cheaper options available in your area.
- There are many resellers of these networks. They may have a better plan
- VDSL is usually better than cellular fixed wireless if available.
- WISPs are often cheaper.
- Rural internet is often more expensive. See if you can find a provider who categorises your location as “non-rural”
- Starlink is only available in very limited regions at present, but may be cheaper for high users.
There are some comparison websites available to help
(Note that we can’t guarantee their accuracy or impartiality)
The Rural Wireless plans used in this comparison (May 2021) were:
Spark 160*, $96 per month, additional data $10/10GB
Spark 300*, $156 per month, additional data $10/10GB
Vodafone 120, $96 per month, additional data $20/16GB
Vodafone 200, $166 per month, additional data $20/16GB
2Degrees 170, $85 per month, additional data $15/20GB
(* $5/month extra if external antenna is required)
All prices exclude landline telephone
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