About Us


Our Story

We are a non-commercial group of telecommunications, management & IT professionals, concerned with the state of NZ’s rural connectivity. We are aware of issues with usability, affordability (in some cases), and network resilience, especially with the more regular occurrence of extreme weather events.

While we live and work in rural NZ, we are not farmers, but work from home, alongside our farmers and rural industries (dairy, beef, lamb, marine, construction, and even IT/wireless services). We provide one-to-one technology support to many in our local and the wider rural and regional NZ communities (people from all walks of life) to help ensure they all get the best value and use from solutions and the many choices available.

Our Team



Leanne lives and works from home in the Marlborough Sounds in IT / software consulting services for the construction and contracting industry. She also volunteers for local and regional charities with empathy on how usable internet and phone services is important for connecting with whanau and the community.



Tim is a Telecommunications Engineer/ Planner, also residing in the Marlborough Sounds. He is concerned with equitable and usable access for all, keeping the telecommunications companies honest in their advertising, and adhering to the codes and regulations set by the Commerce Commission, set in agreement (or not!) with the providers.



This is Jess the Border Collie, our Mascot. She is smart and helps with the technical queries. Otherwise she can be re-wiring the house, checking it’s compliant to Electrical Code or chasing something.

Better Broadband

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